Software Process
ISO 9001:2008
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Education and Training - Core and Advanced Curriculum

As part of its program to prepare organizations in their Agile or CMMI process improvement journey or to secure ISO 9001:2008 certification and continuous improvement, SSQC has developed a series of Advanced and Specialized Topics and ISO 9001:2008 Curriculum courses that address all facets of the implementation and certification process.

SSQC's advanced curriculum includes courses such as:

  • Agile Project Management and Development
  • Software Estimation Bootcamp
  • Software Measurement Bootcamp
  • High Maturity Practices - Toward Quantitative Management of Processes and Projects
  • The Capability Maturity Model Integrated - CMMISM
  • CMMI Process Area Workshops on:
    • Configuration Management
    • Integrated Project Management
    • Measurement and Analysis
    • Process and Product Quality Assurance
    • Project Planning
    • Project Monitoring and Control
    • Requirements Development
    • Requirements Management
    • Risk Management
    • Supplier Agreement Management
  • Business Process Re-engineering
  • Harnessing Technology and Tools for Business Process Implementation and Improvement
  • Process Mapping via the UML - Using Visual Roadmaps to Build Consensus
  • Requirements Engineering - A Practical Approach to Modeling and Managing Requirements
  • Software Peer Reviews and Inspections
  • Streamlining Process Documentation
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Software and Hardware Inspections for Process Improvement
  • International Software Engineering Standards - ISO 15504 (SPICE) and ISO 12207
  • Models for Software Quality: Comparing the SEI Capability Maturity Model - CMMI to ISO 9001

In order to ensure that our courses are practical and useful for attendees, SSQC courses offer frequent industry case studies 
and interactive team exercises to broaden the perspectives to which participants are exposed.

The following pages describe the complete range of courses and seminars available from SSQC as public or on-site offerings. 
These courses are available to any organization that wishes to sponsor a session. All of these courses are supported by detailed 
instructor's guides and can be licensed for internal use.

If you are interested in bringing a course onsite to your company or would like a syllabus for any of the courses outlined above, email a request, and we'll provide a price list that outlines our latest education and training programs.

The Core Curriculum for ISO 9001:2008

SSQC's core ISO 9001 curriculum offers two parallel sets of courses:

  • Track 1 focuses on the requirements of manufacturing and service providers.
  • Track 2 focuses on the requirements of software and systems providers.

Because all companies' quality systems are assessed against the same model - ISO 9001- the courses in both tracks address the same principles and concepts; the tracks differ primarily in emphasis, terminology, and examples.

<Click> on the course numbers for detailed course descriptions.

Course(Track)Title        Audience and Summary                                                   

C101: (1) Executive       For managers who are considering or preparing for registration under   
C102: (2) Overview        ISO 9001 and who need a broad understanding of the         
                          associated costs and schedules                                         

C103: (1) Value-Added     For auditors and implementors who assess or manage the assessment of   
C104: (2) Auditing        business practices to ensure on-going effectiveness, suitability, and  
                          compliance with ISO 9001.                                  

C105: (1) A Practical     For implementors, ISO coordinators, auditors, and managers who are     
C106: (2) Approach to     creating and managing the plan and establishing the business systems   
          Registration    that will ensure that:                                                 

                             ISO registration is achieved within budget and on schedule and that 
                             The registration-related activities deliver the maximum return on   
                             investment to the organization.

                          Each day of this three-day course is also available as an individual   
                          course, with examples and exercises selected based on the needs of     
                          the participants.: These courses are listed in the following section,
                          Advanced and Specialized Topics.

                          Course  Day 1  Day 2  Day 3                        
                          C105    C203   C206   C207                         
                          C106    C208   C206   C207                          

Advanced and Specialized Topics

SSQC has also created a wide variety of courses to address specialized needs.

<Click> on the course numbers for detailed course descriptions.

Course Title              Audience and Summary                                             

C201: Models for          For managers, auditors, implementors, and software engineers     
      Software Quality:   who require an understanding of ISO 9001 and Version 1.1 of the  
      Comparing the       CMM.                                                             
      SEI Capability                                                                      
      Maturity Model                                                                      
      (CMM) to ISO 9001                                                                   

C202: Exploding the       For managers, auditors, implementors, and ISO coordinators who   
      Myths of ISO 9001   must overcome objections based on common misconceptions about    
                          the impact of ISO 9000 registration on an organization's         
                          business practices.                                              

C203: Intensive           For managers, auditors, implementors, and ISO coordinators who   
      Introduction to     require a detailed knowledge of the content of ISO 9001 and  
      ISO 9001            how it applies to their organizations' business practices.        

C205: Models for          For experienced auditors, audit managers, and quality system     
      Software Quality:   implementors familiar with ISO 9001 who must assess the          
      Perspectives for    effectiveness and conformance of an organization's software      
      Auditors            engineering practices.                                           

C206: Process Mapping:    Any individual involved in defining, documenting, or             
      Applying Visual     reengineering business systems to establish a baseline for       
      Roadmaps to Build   current practices, identify opportunities for improvement, and   
      Consensus           improve or optimize organizational performance and planning      

C207: Streamlining        Any individual involved in documenting business systems to       
      Documentation:      establish uniform practices, optimize communication of           
      an Efficient        responsibilities, and minimize training time.                    
      Approach to                                                                          

C208: An Intensive        ISO 9000 coordinators, quality system auditors, management, and  
      Introduction to     other key personnel who are following the ISO 90003 guidelines  
      ISO 9001 and        to implement a quality system that conforms to ISO 9001.   
      ISO 90003 for      Examples are drawn from software engineering disciplines.             
      Implementors and                                                         
      Assessors in                                                                         

C209: Making the Case     Any individual required to prepare a business case and           
      for ISO 9000:       recommendation to executive management on ISO 9001   
      Overcoming the      registration                                                     
      Obstacles to                                                                        

C210: Harnessing          A quality manager or a process implementor involved in business  
      Technology and      process reengineering (BPR), ISO 9001, total quality             
      Tools for Process   management, continuous improvement, or any other systematic      
      Implementation      effort to improve quality through process definition,            
      and Improvement     implementation, and maintenance.                                 

C211: Software Process    Software development managers and engineering process group      
      Improvement         members investigating or implementing methods for improving the  
      through the CMM     effectiveness of software development                            
      Version 1.1                                                                         

C214: Inspections as a    Software and hardware development managers and engineering       
      Tool for Process    process group members investigating or implementing methods for  
      Improvement         improving the effectiveness of software and hardware             
                          development; any individual who moderates formal inspections.   
                          The course is of particular interest to organizations            
                          implementing processes based on the Software Engineering         
                          Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM)SM and ISO 9001   

Detailed Course Descriptions

C101: Executive Overview: ISO Registration for the Manufacturing and Service Industries


For managers in the manufacturing and service industries who are preparing for registration under ISO 9001.


The Executive Overview prepares the management team to:

  • Understand the major requirements of the ISO 9000 standards
  • Select the model appropriate for their business
  • Determine a scope of the registration
  • Develop criteria for selecting a registrar
  • Develop a realistic strategy, budget, effort targets, and time frames for the implementation phases
  • Identify organizational requirements and identify members for the implementation and internal audit teams


The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • The ISO 9000 series of standards
    • Background
    • Product versus quality system registration
    • Content and relationship: models and guidelines
    • Choosing an appropriate standard
    • Registration strategies - scope and phases
  • Key Requirements in ISO 9001
    • Quality Management System and the requirements for documentation
    • Management Responsibility
    • Resource management
    • Product realization - from requirements to support
    • Measurement, analysis and improvement
    • Common infrastructure activities (internal audits, management review, etc.)
  • Considerations in selecting a registrar
  • The process for obtaining and retaining registration
  • The Registration Model
  • Costs, time frames and responsibilities
  • The function and benefits of value-added internal audits
  • Roles and responsibilities
    • Organizing for a successful implementation
    • The Quality Manager
    • The ISO Coordinators and the implementation team
    • The internal audit team


1 day

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C102: Executive Overview: ISO Registration for Software and System Providers


For managers in the software and computer industry who are preparing for registration under the provisions of ISO 9001.


The Executive Overview prepares the management team to:

  • Understand the major requirements of the ISO 9001 and ISO 90003
  • Determine a scope of the registration
  • Develop criteria for selecting a registrar
  • Develop realistic strategy, budget, effort targets, and time frames for the implementation phases
  • Identify organizational requirements and identify members for the implementation and internal audit teams


  • The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.
  • The ISO 9000 series of standards
    • Background
    • Content and relationship: models and guidelines
    • Registration strategies
  • Key Requirements in ISO 9001 and ISO 90003
    • Management commitment and responsibility
    • Corrective and preventive action
    • Requirements management
    • Lifecycle definition
    • Validation and verification
    • Software and hardware development planning
    • Configuration management
    • Including third-party software
    • Process and product measurement
    • Documentation: policies, procedures, plans, and records
    • Internal audits
  • Considerations in selecting a registrar
  • The process for obtaining and retaining registration
    • The Registration Model
  • Costs, time frames, and responsibilities
  • The function and benefits of value-added internal audits
  • Roles and responsibilities
    • Organizing for a successful implementation
    • The Quality Manager
    • The ISO Coordinators and the implementation team
    • The internal audit team
  • Impact of other programs
    • TickIT (UK/NACCB)


1 day

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C103: Value-Added Auditing for Manufacturing and Service Providers


For auditors who assess manufacturing or service quality systems for conformance to ISO 9001.


Value-Added Auditing prepares participants to:

  • Apply the standards to specific situations
  • Identify the elements that must be in place to support a successful internal audit program
  • Review documentation and develop an audit strategy
  • Prepare checklists
  • Interview individual contributors and management
  • Draft nonconformity reports and observations
  • Review corrective action plans
  • Audit follow-up activities
  • Manage a successful audit program


The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • Introduction to value-added auditing
    • Audits as part of the ISO implementation process
    • Beyond compliance auditing
    • Creating a win-win environment
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Myths and misunderstandings about auditing
  • Managing the audit
    • Audit schedules, notices, and programs
    • Audit teams
    • Consolidating results for management review
    • Standard report formats
  • The auditor's mission
  • The auditor's role
    • Prepare - ISO 9001
    • Conduct the interviews - the seven friends
    • Present the findings - a true and fair view
    • Review Corrective Action Plans
    • Follow-up and closure
  • Auditing in high-technology environments


3 days

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide and a copy of ISO 9001.

There are frequent exercises throughout the course. The final day concludes with two case studies that challenge participants to practice their skills from preparing to presenting their findings at an exit meeting.

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C104: Value-Added Auditing for Software and System Providers

Audience For auditors who assess the conformance of computer and software development quality management systems 
to the ISO 9000 models under the 90003 guidelines


Value-Added Auditing prepares participants to:

  • Apply the standards to specific situations
  • Identify the elements that must be in place to support a successful internal audit program
  • Review documentation and develop an audit strategy
  • Prepare checklists
  • Interview individual contributors and management
  • Draft nonconformity reports and observations
  • Review corrective action plans
  • Audit follow-up activities
  • Manage a successful audit program


The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • Introduction to value-added auditing
    • Audits as part of the ISO implementation process
    • Beyond compliance auditing
    • Creating a win-win environment
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Myths and misunderstandings about auditing
  • Managing the audit
    • Audit schedules, notices, and programs
    • Audit teams
    • Consolidating results for management review
    • Standard report formats
  • The auditor's mission
  • The auditor's role
    • Prepare - ISO 9001 and ISO 90003
    • Conduct the interviews - the seven friends
    • Present the findings - a true and fair view
    • Review Corrective Action Plans
    • Follow-up and closure
  • Auditing in high-technology environments
    • Software engineering and TickIT
    • Services


3 days

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide and a copy of ISO 9001.

There are frequent exercises throughout the course. The final day concludes with two case studies that challenge 
participants to practice their skills from preparing to presenting their findings at an exit meeting.

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C105: A Practical Approach to ISO Registration for Manufacturers and Service Providers


For ISO coordinators, quality system auditors, management, and other key personnel who are involved in implementing a 
quality system that conforms to the ISO 9000 models

Examples are drawn from a variety of industries.


ISO Registration prepares participants to guide their organizations through the major steps in implementation:

  • Gain management commitment
  • Interpret the ISO standards to:
    • Leverage current or standard practices that satisfy the requirements of ISO
    • Obtain the maximum business benefit from practices that must be improved or added
  • Define a scope, establish a strategy, and develop a plan for managing the implementation and selecting a registrar
  • Establish effective systems for:
    • Internal audits
    • Corrective and preventive action
    • Quality system documentation


The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.

DAY 1 - ISO 9001 (See C203 for additional detail)

  • The overall requirements - a process-based approach
  • Accreditation and registrar selection
  • Core practices and documents
    • The quality manual
    • Management responsibility
    • Quality system documentation: policies and procedures
    • Corrective and preventive action
    • Internal audits and Training
  • Impact analysis - for implementation and internal audits

DAY 2 - Process mapping (See C206 for additional detail)

  • Gathering information and ensuring buy in
  • Mapping techniques
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses

DAY 3 - Documentation and Implementation Planning (See C207 for additional detail)

Part 1 - Documentation

  • Formats for policies, procedures, and the quality manual
  • Techniques for writing effective policies and procedures

Part 2 - Planning

  • Defining the deliverables
  • Managing the projects


3 days

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide and a copy of ISO 9001.

The three days of this course are also offered as individual sessions: C203, C206, and C207.

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C106: A Practical Approach to ISO Registration for Software and System Providers


For ISO coordinators, quality system auditors, management, and other key personnel who are involved in implementing
a quality system that conforms to the ISO 9001 model as interpreted by ISO 90003.


ISO Registration prepares participants to guide their organizations through the major steps in implementation:

  • Gain management commitment
  • Interpret the ISO standards to:
    • Leverage current or standard engineering practices that satisfy requirements of ISO
    • Obtain the maximum business benefit from and organizational support for practices that must be improved or added
  • Define a scope, establish a strategy, and develop a plan for managing the implementation and selecting a registrar
  • Establish effective systems for:
    • Internal audits
    • Corrective and preventive action
    • Quality system documentation


The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.

DAY 1 - ISO 9001 and ISO 90003 (See C208 for additional detail)

  • The overall requirements - a process-based approach
  • Accreditation and registrar selection
  • Core practices and documents
    • Management responsibility, internal audits and training
    • Quality system documentation: policies, procedures, the quality manual
    • Corrective and preventive action
    • Requirements management
    • Lifecycle definition
    • Configuration management
    • Verification and validation requirements and strategies
  • Impact analysis - for implementation and internal audits

DAY 2 - Process mapping (See C206 for additional detail)

  • Gathering information and ensuring buy in
  • Mapping techniques
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses

DAY 3 - Documentation and Implementation Planning (See C207 for additional detail)

Part 1 - Documentation

  • Formats for policies, procedures, and the quality manual
  • Techniques for writing effective policies and procedures

Part 2 - Planning

  • Defining the deliverables
  • Managing the projects

Duration 3 days

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide and a copy of ISO 9001.

The three days of this course are also offered as individual sessions: C208, C206, and C207.

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C201: Models for Software Quality: Comparing the SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM)SM to ISO 9001


For managers, auditors, quality system implementors and software engineers who require an understanding of ISO 9001, Version 1.1 of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM)SM, and the relationship between these two models as they apply to software engineering.


The CMM represents a comprehensive and potentially effective model that can serve as a basis for assessing and improving the effectiveness of software engineering organizations. As such, it is often portrayed as either in conflict with or as a replacement for ISO 9001, which also contains a model for business practices. This course resolves the apparent discrepancies between the two models and presents tools for using each model to complement the other.


The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.


  • Overview of ISO 9001 for software - understanding the guidance of ISO 90003
  • Key common compliance indicators for ISO 9001
    • Requirements management
    • Lifecycle definition
    • Verification and validation
    • Configuration management
    • Support


  • Overview of the CMM (Version 1.1)
    • Scope of application
    • Key process areas (KPAs)
    • Common features
    • Key practices and subordinate key practices
    • Representing the CMM as a process map
  • Focus on Level 2
    • Key process areas and typical key practices
    • Level 2 and Level 3 in commercial software engineering environments
  • Comparing the CMM and ISO models:
    • Key areas of agreement
    • Key differences between the CMM and ISO 9001
    • Priorities in moving from compliance with one model to compliance with the other
  • Implementing ISO 9001 in software engineering environments
  • Impact of other programs
    • TickIT (UK/NACCB)
    • AMI
    • ISO 15504 (SPICE)


One day or two days

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide, a copy of ISO 9001, and a copy of Level 2 of the CMM.

This course is available in a one day version (C201-1) and a two-day version (C202-2). While the overall flow of the course remains the same, the level of detail and time for discussion reflects the time available.

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C202: Exploding the Myths about ISO 9001

Audience For auditors, quality system implementors and quality managers who require an understanding of ISO 9001


Exploding the Myths prepares participants to use ISO 9001 to distinguish fact from fiction and example from requirement in reviewing the flood of articles, speakers, books, software packages, and advice from consultants on how to comply with the International Standard ISO 9001.

  • What documentation needs to be controlled? And how? Can I use on-line documentation?
  • What's a quality manual? Do I need one to get registered?
  • What does independent verification personnel mean? Do I have to have a separate QA group?

In this course, you will take a detailed look at ISO 9001 to answer your questions about the standards and to prepare you to apply the ISO standards to gain the maximum business benefit for your business.


This is a unique, interactive session, with frequent opportunities for questions and discussion. Participants will have an opportunity to identify their specific questions and concerns.

  • Registration The national and international agencies and organizations involved in ISO registration in the US.
    • What's most important in picking a registrar?
    • What is the bottom line business case for registration?
    • What are the costs and benefits - short and long term?
    • How long will it take?
    • How do I sell senior management?
    • Do I have to get registered?
    • What is the scope of registration? What is company-wide registration?
  • The Standards How the requirements of ISO 9001 relate to your business practices.
    • How do I determine what to do to comply with the standards and get registered?
    • Where do I start?
    • What do I have to document? And how detailed do I have to be?
    • Who has to be involved? And how much do they have to do?
    • What can I ask a consultant to do?
    • Do my suppliers and subcontractors have to be ISO 9000 registered?
    • How do the requirements relate to each other?
    • Who do I have to satisfy - my customers? the registrar? myself?
    • How do I convince the engineers to support this process?
    • Does all this have anything to do with product quality and profit?


1 day

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide and a copy of ISO 9001.

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C203: Intensive Introduction to ISO 9001 for Implementors and Auditors


For managers, auditors, and quality system implementors from all industry sectors who require a thorough understanding of the ISO 9001 standard and how they apply to their organizations and business practices. The requirements for portions of the organization that provide hardware, software, and service are all addressed.


The course begins with an introduction to all of the documents in the ISO 9000 series of standards. Each requirement in ISO 9001 is discussed in detail, focusing on issues related to implementing and identifying business practices that comply with the standard.

The course also addresses prevalent interpretations held by registrars and suggests techniques for dealing with registrars to minimize miscommunication and misunderstanding regarding the standard.


The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • Introductions
  • Overview of the documents in the ISO 9000 series
    • Models
    • Guidelines
    • Vocabulary
  • The core requirements from a business perspective
    • Criteria for determining what requirements apply and how to apply them
    • Priorities and implementation strategies
  • Core practices
    • The quality manual
    • Management responsibility
    • Quality system documentation: policies and procedures
    • Corrective and preventive action
    • Internal audits
    • Training
  • Deriving business benefits from ISO implementation
  • The registrar's perspective versus the implementor's perspective
  • Activities registrars (almost) always assess
  • Impact of other programs
    • TickIT (UK/NACCB)
    • AMI
    • ISO 15504 (SPICE)


One day

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide and a copy of ISO 9001.

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C205: Models for Software Quality: Perspectives for Auditors


Experienced auditors, audit managers, and quality system implementors familiar with ISO 9001, who:

  • Must conduct assessments to establish or improve the capability of internal and external software engineering practices
  • Require an overview of software engineering practices from the perspective of ISO 90003 and the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM)SM


Models for Software Quality: Perspectives for Auditors prepares participants to:

  • Extend their skills as ISO 9000 auditors and implementors to address software engineering organizations in four areas: audit planning, identification of nonconformity, recommendations for corrective action, review of corrective action plans
  • Apply the SEI CMM as a further resource for assessing and improving the ability of internal and external software engineering organizations
  • Dispel concerns about conflicts between 9001 and the CMM


The course contains numerous examples and workshops drawn from the auditor's perspective

  • Key requirements and requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 90003 from a software engineering perspective
    • Management responsibility: planning and resources
    • Design and development
    • Verification and validation
    • Configuration management
    • Corrective and preventive action
    • Internal quality system audits
  • Overview of the CMM: levels and key process areas
    • A graphical map for the KPAs
    • A detailed look at the key practices in Level 2
  • Comparing the SEI and ISO models
    • Priorities in moving between the models
    • Level 2 versus Level 3 in commercial software engineering environments
  • Other programs: TickIT (UK/NACCB), AMI, and ISO 15504 (SPICE)
  • Implementation as a managed process - ensuring acceptance and building a quality culture


2 days

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide, a copy of ISO 9001 and of level 2 of the CMM.

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C206: Process Mapping - Applying Visual Roadmaps to Build Consensus


This course is intended for:

  • SEPG team members, assessors, or managers who are:
    • Implementing quality systems that conform to the SEI/CMM or ISO 9000 models
    • Addressing the results of assessments
    • Advancing their organizations from CMM Level 2 to CMM Level 3
  • Managers in TQM environments looking for ways to revitalize lagging process improvement efforts.
  • Business Process Reengineering (BPR) team members who need to define "as-is" and "to-be" processes.
  • Software engineers and engineering managers exploring ways to further their organizations’ engineering practices - and to coordinate activities across organizations.
  • ISO 9000 implementation team members
  • Anyone involved in defining and documenting systems to baseline or improve organizational performance and planning accuracy.  The course focuses on the knowledge, tools, and techniques your team members will need to:
    • Select the most appropriate mapping method to analyze existing and proposed activity and define processes that are effective and efficient
    • Use mapping techniques to gain and maintain support for implementing effective and efficient engineering, manufacturing, and servicing practices
    • Address organizational issues affecting product development and quality
    • Identify opportunities for process improvement


Process mapping prepares participants to create visual definitions of proposed or established processes. These maps and the process for creating them:

  • Support team discussion, education, and communication
  • Highlight misunderstandings, deficiencies, and opportunities for improvement that are obscured by the detail of written procedures.
  • Address organizational issues and promote buy-in
  • Simplify the documentation process

Process mapping creates a variety of visual definitions that facilitate team discussion and reaching consensus. Process maps highlight opportunities for process improvement and facilitate the resolution of process deficiencies and misunderstandings. Process maps enhance the effectiveness of teams responsible for:

  • Implementing software engineering process frameworks (such as ISO 90003, Trillium, Bootstrap, and the CMM)
  • Creating and executing action plans to address the results of assessments or to advance to Level 3 from Level 2
  • Adopting software development methods (such as RAD, JAD, OO)
  • Re-engineering business processes

Once a defined process has been agreed to, the maps support education and communication and simplify the documentation process.

As part of the mapping process, the team may have to:

  • Analyze and refine development processes that have evolved in a relatively unsystematic manner
  • Build consensus among individuals who have been encouraged to develop their own processes.

In software engineering and IT organizations that are still in the start-up phase or are just making the transition from start-up to established, the implementation team may have to facilitate the selection of an effective paradigm and the development of core engineering processes - for project planning and management, testing, and configuration management.


The course provides numerous opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • Introduction to process mapping - more than pictures
    • Application to process definition, implementation, and improvement throughout the organization
    • Benefits
    • Key references:
      • Jacobson - The Object Advantage, Business Process Reengineering with Object Technology
      • Juran - Planning for Quality
      • Pressman - Software Engineering - A Practitioner's Approach
      • Taylor - Business Engineering with Object Technology
      • Yourdon - Modern Structured Analysis
      • Yourdon - Mainstream Objects, an Analysis and Design Approach for Business
  • Five steps in mapping
    • Preparation
    • Develop the Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)
      • Focus on scope and activity
      • Notation, conventions, rules, and techniques
      • Examples
    • Develop the Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)
      • Focus on responsibility
      • Notation, conventions, rules, and techniques
      • Examples
    • Develop the State Transition Diagrams (STDs)
      • Focus on control
      • Notation, conventions, rules, and techniques
      • Examples
    • Develop the Flow Charts (FCs)
      • Focus on logic and sequence
      • Notation, conventions, rules, and techniques
      • Deployment charts
      • Object interaction diagrams
      • Examples
  • Selecting the appropriate mapping techniques
  • Using roadmaps to identify inefficiency and opportunities for error
    • Hand-off points and backdoors - optimizing for operation or management
    • Parallel vs. sequential operation
    • Meeting the real requirements
  • Meeting the real requirements
  • The team approach
    • Ensuring
      • Accuracy - Techniques to address Juran's 6 sources of error
      • Buy-in
    • Minimizing organizational disruption
    • Reducing the learning curve
  • The impact of technology on mapping
    • Collaboration
    • Distribution
    • Workflow
    • Object Oriented
      • Unified Modeling Language (UML)


1 day

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide.

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C207: Streamlining Documentation - an Efficient Approach to Writing Procedures


ISO coordinators and implementation team members, managers, engineering managers, process improvement group members and software engineering process group (SEPG) members, and trainers in BPR, TQM, CMMSM, or ISO 9001 environments.


Part 1 of this course, Documentation, prepares participants to write policies and procedures that clearly communicate management's intentions regarding:

  • Results: what is to be achieved
  • Methods: how results are to be achieved - methods, tools, etc.
  • Means: what resources are required by the methods and results

The second part of this course, Implementation Planning, provides tools and techniques that prepare participants to define and manage the ISO, CMM, or any other system implementation - including the documentation-related activities - as a project.


The course includes numerous exercises and provides frequent opportunities for questions and discussion.

Part 1: Documentation

  • Results, methods, and means
    • Involving the right people - a method for creating documentation
  • How much detail?
    • Priorities: the three A's
    • Cause and effect
  • The five traps
  • Improving procedures
    • Address, tense, and standard content
  • Structuring documentation - picking the right architecture
    • Needs analysis
  • Document control and technology
    • Paper or electronic
    • Indexing
  • The ISO 9001 Quality Manual
    • Make it useful

Part 2: Planning the Implementation

  • Turning the decision into action
    • The distributed implementation
  • Defining the deliverables
  • Prioritizing activities
  • Developing a timeline
    • Estimating effort and forward planning
    • The four attributes of current quality
    • The eleven steps in implementing a process
  • Managing the project
    • Reporting progress and change management
  • Establishing global processes and writing the Quality Manual


1 day

Notes: Each participant receives a complete course guide, including numerous forms, examples, and exercises.

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C208: An Intensive Introduction to ISO 9001 and ISO 90003 for implementors and auditors in software engineering environments


ISO 9000 coordinators, quality system auditors, management, and other key personnel who are following the ISO 90003 guidelines to implement a quality system that conforms to the ISO 9000 models. Examples are drawn from software engineering disciplines.


This course discusses each requirement of ISO 9001 in detail, capturing the interrelationships among requirements and between ISO 9001 and the guidance in ISO 90003. It provides a range of examples and proven compliance indicators that allow you to:

  • Separate fact from fiction and distinguish common solutions, that may not fit your organization's needs, from ISO requirements.
  • Identify software engineering practices that comply with the standard
  • Assess and plan for the impact of changes in organization, methods, and technology


The course includes numerous exercises and provides frequent opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • ISO 9000 series of standards
    • Background: guidelines and models
    • Content: comparing ISO 9001 and ISO 90003
    • Choosing an appropriate standard
  • The process for obtaining and retaining registration
    • The Registration Model
    • Costs, time frames and responsibilities
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Accreditation and registrar selection
  • ISO 9001 and ISO 90003
    • Understanding the guidance of ISO 90003
    • Requirements
    • Design
    • Verification and validation
    • Implementation
    • Support
    • Configuration management
  • Other models and programs: TickIT, The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model - CMM SM, ISO 15504 (SPICE)
  • Implementation: the practical application of the standards and guidelines: The Implementation Model
  • Demonstrating management commitment
  • Corrective Action
  • Internal audits
  • Documentation: policies, procedures, and standards
  • Maintaining registration through continuous improvement


1 day

Notes Each participant receives a complete course guide. and a copy of ISO 9001.

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C209: Making the Case for ISO 9000 - Overcoming the Obstacles to Registration


Any individual required to prepare a business case and recommendation to executive management on ISO 9001 registration.


The course begins with an overview of the background of ISO 9001 and the registration process. Then, the results of recent industry benchmark studies are summarized. Reported registrations costs, return on investment, and qualitative and quantitative benefits are discussed and analyzed for applicability to participants' business environments. Participants will review the actual requirements of ISO 9001 as they discuss and develop strategies to address each of the eleven major barriers to successful ISO registration.

The course concludes with a discussion of the different implementation strategies and with a review of a comprehensive, proven 20-step implementation roadmap and an implementation proposal.


The course includes numerous exercises and provides frequent opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • ISO 9000: Background and terms of reference
    • Registrars and registration
    • Implementation models
  • Current studies and sources of data
    • Justification
    • Costs
    • Return on investment
    • Benefits
  • Overcoming the 11 barriers - participants review the actual requirements of ISO 9001 as they work in teams to discuss and develop strategies and techniques to address each of the eleven major obstacles to successful ISO registration
    • Conflicting interpretations
    • Procedure creation
    • Not following procedures
    • Calibration
    • Documentation
    • Corrective and preventive action
    • Records
    • Management commitment
    • Planning
    • Training requirements

Employee resistance


1 day

Each participant receives a copy of ISO 9001 and sample presentation materials and a sample implementation plan that they can adapt for internal use in their organizations.

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C210: Harnessing Technology and Tools for Business Process Implementation and Improvement


A quality manager or a process implementor involved in Business Process Reengineering (BPR), ISO 9001 registration, CMMsm Implementation, Total Quality Management, Continuous Improvement, or any other systematic effort to improve quality through process definition, implementation, and maintenance. This seminar is of particular interest to those who are involved in the selection and acquisition of consulting services or software applications..


Harnessing Technology explores the types of enterprise-wide, computer-based, process and quality management tools now available to enhance the productivity and success of an organization. The tools are presented in the context of a change management framework, addressing the people-related implementation issues that can slow or stop the introduction of an otherwise effective new tool.


The course includes numerous exercises and provides frequent opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • Impact of technology
  • What is available
    • Process planning, design, and redesign
    • Work flow and Groupware
  • TEAM EXERCISE: Distributed quality audit management and reporting (file servers and central access)
  • Process planning, design, and redesign - issues and solutions
    • Simulation, optimization, modeling, mapping
  • Work flow - issues and solutions
    • Process control and facilitation: implementing business rules
    • Records and documents
    • Effective and efficient processes
  • TEAM EXERCISE: Process definition and documentation (hypertext)
  • Groupware - issues and solutions
    • Work flow plus collaboration
    • Sharing documents and data
  • Implementing work flow and groupware
    • From Intranets to Lotus Notes
    • Quality system publishing standards (HTML, PDF, etc.)
  • TEAM EXERCISE: Project management (Intranet solutions)
  • Standards for data interchange and interoperability (CORBA, etc.)
  • What technology can and can't do
  • TEAM EXERCISE: Process management (NOTES)
  • Selection criteria and methods - 10 key tips
  • People issues: readiness for change, involvement, attitudes toward technology
  • Information issues: volume and accuracy
  • TEAM EXERCISE: Whiteboarding


1 day

Each participant receives a complete course guide.

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C211: Software Process Improvement through the CMM Version 1.1


Software development managers and engineering process group members investigating or implementing methods for improving the effectiveness of software development based on the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM)SM.


Software Process Improvement through the CMM Version 1.1 provides an introduction to the structure and content of CMU/SEI-93-TR-25 Key Practices of the Capability Maturity Model for Software, Version 1.1. This course focuses on the implementation issues, priorities, and strategies associated with moving to Levels 2 and 3.


The highly interactive course includes numerous exercises and provides frequent opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • Background of the CMM
    • Language and assumptions
    • Myths and misconceptions about the CMM
  • Structure of the CMM
    • Levels
    • Key Process Areas (KPAs)
    • Common Features
    • Key Practices
    • Subordinate Key Practices
  • Overview of the KPAs
    • Level 2 - Repeatable
    • Level 3 - Defined
    • Level 4 - Managed
    • Level 5 - Optimizing
  • Relationships and dependencies among the KPAs
    • Common patterns and notable exceptions
    • SQA
    • Software Product Engineering
  • Software Process Improvement (SPI) priorities
    • Management commitment
    • Defining scope
    • Establishing a foundation across the levels
    • Alternative strategies
  • CMM-Based Appraisal (CBA) methods
    • CBA IPI (Internal Process Improvement)
    • CBA SCE (Software Capability Evaluation)
    • Interim Profiles
  • The impact of ISO 15504 (SPICE) and other models
    • CAF compliance
    • HM2 - The Hybrid Multi-Model assessment


1 or 2 day

Each participant receives a complete course guide, reference material, and a soft copy of TR-25 in Microsoft Word for Windows format.

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C214: Inspections as a Tool for Process Improvement


Software and hardware development managers and engineering process group members investigating or implementing methods for improving the effectiveness of software and hardware development; any individual who moderates formal inspections. The course is of particular interest to organizations implementing processes based on the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM)SM and ISO 9001.


Inspections as a Tool for Process Improvement explores the techniques and people issues associated with conducting formal inspections following the model defined at IBM by Michael Fagan. The course defines a structure and prepares individuals to assume the role of moderator, author, or inspector in a formal inspection process. The application of the tools and techniques to less rigorous review processes is also presented.


The course includes numerous exercises and provides frequent opportunities for questions and discussion.

  • Inspection as a method for peer reviews
    • The three phases of inspections
    • Other methods, including distribution, review, and walkthrough
  • Roles and responsibilities
    • Moderator
    • Author
    • Inspector
    • Recorder
    • Manager
  • Meeting guidelines
    • Number of participants
    • Length
    • Content
    • Sample forms and templates
  • The Moderator's role
    • Planning the meeting
    • Developing checklists
    • Facilitating discussion
    • EXERCISE: Facilitating the Meeting
    • Follow-up
    • Reporting results
    • EXERCISE: Defining Results
  • EXERCISE: Conducting an inspection
    • This exercise is tailored to the needs of the group. SSQC provides a series of specifications and designs for a hardware and software environmental monitoring system. The documents are structured so that Marketing, Engineering, Test, and Quality Assurance personnel can all participate. By prior arrangement, suitable documents, code, and other work products provided by participants can be inspected.


1 day

Each participant receives a complete course guide.

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